mandag den 21. oktober 2013

Down with the Islamic Imperialism - Enlightening twitter exchange with warrioir historian Churchill (posthumously via his writings), Historian Tom Holland and Human Rights Activist Peter Tatchell

Dear Humanist war diplomats, Enlightening twitter exchange with warrioir historian Churchill (posthumously via his writings), Historian Tom Holland and Human Rights Activist Peter Tatchell: Pedd Raam @PeddRaam 23h Question for s #historian: Do u agree that #Islamic #Imperialism is waging #WWIII on liberal democratic nation states & allies? @holland_tom Tom Holland @holland_tom 23h @PeddRaam No. Expand ... Pedd Raam @PeddRaam 21h Asked about #Islamic #Imperialism @PeterTatchell called it Neo-Imperialism - What is ur terminology for #Islamic #Imperialism? @holland_tom Expand Peter Tatchell @PeterTatchell 2h @PeddRaam @holland_tom #Islamist imperialism is not the same as classic capitalist-driven #imperialism. It is a variant. Hence I call it neo Tom Holland @holland_tom 1h @PeddRaam @PeterTatchell It is essentially a late antique model of imperialism, even down to the fiscal exploitation of non-believers. 2:52 PM - 21 Oct 13 · Reply to @holland_tom @PeterTatchell Pedd Raam @PeddRaam 9m Thank you, gentlemen, for your views on #Islamic #Imperialism which indeed is "retrograde" as #Churchill said @holland_tom @PeterTatchell Regards, Pedd Raam, aka Dr Pedram Kazemi-Esfarjani, actor, independent secular liberal, humanist human rights activist

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