Fritiran Secular Liberal Minority Report:
Dear secular minority of Iran and allies push aside the Islamists - geen or black - they still try to stay in the lead and divert anger and stay in power. Dear secular majority of Europe, North America and Australasia, stop Islamic state of Iran from infiltrating our liberal democracies, undermining its strategic existence by setting up their mosques and sharia schools. This not only undermines countries like Denmark's liberal democracy and legal, child protection and laws against oppressive, violent marriages of minors, it will undermine each democratic country's national security and would demoralise the secular, liberal minority and peaceful, but persecuted non-Islamic religious minorities in Iran.
The best support we Danes, new or old, and our allies, exile-Iranian, refugees or native, can give to Iranian secular, liberal uprising and hopefully peaceful evolution would be to shut down all Islamic Republic of Iran installations, facilities and intelligence apparatus within Danish and European territories by the force of our liberal, secular Constitution - let's use all our liberal "muscles", David Cameron's words put to good use, educatiing ourselves, our fellow Danish people, our politicians, and start suing the state, if necessary to get court orders to stop Islamic states' all out attack on our society.
Denmark should learn from Great Britain's mistakes, and before 2000 Islamic schools and 1400 mosques are set up in Denmark, in most cases to beat or terrorise our children to submission, we have to follow British example at present turn of events, expose and distance ourselves from Islamic mono-culturalism, Islamic sharia segregation and sharia violence.
I am happy that Iranian people learn from other people, those who have suffered 1400 years of Islamic occupation of their territories like Egypt and Tunesia, and cry for freedom. However, I am also very disappointed that Islamists like Mousavi and Mullahs like Karoubi, reprsenting nothing else than ruling Iranian Islamic mafia's competing "families", still are named here in this Washington Post update. Instead I hoped secular groups, striking workers and anti-Islamic officers of armed forces would take the initiative from Islamists. Only by defying Islam and recapturing the Persian land and spirit from Islam will protesters have a chance to mobilise hard working people of Iran. Those, who work and sweat, or study and produce knowledge to earn a living and defy starvation, will probably not go to the streets or strike and get beaten to bring another mullah and another Islamist instead of the ones in charge. Would they?
Inspire them and organize a way out of Islam and into a form of liberal, secular democracy, with pluralism of opinion, freedom of expression, sexual freedom, and least but not the least business freedom and free competition, and they would come and fight for it. And the democratic world would see a point, then, in assisting them. I would not recommend sending any money or man power from Denmark to replace one Islamist with the other. But I would go myself and fight as a Dane with Iranian past, should Iranian people leave Islam for good and enter 21. Century civilization, reviving Persia with a truely modern, liberal society.
I am not presently in Copenhagen, and urge each secular, liberal member of Fritiran and Islam-critic friend make their own choice whether to join demonstrations called in for today. Maybe Danes and secular exile-Iranians could shout secular, liberal slogans and talk to people there to push aside any Islamic noise and "allah u akbars" or death-slogans of the Islamophiles like Egyptian seculars did very well at Tahrir Square Friday evening last week, when Mubarak stepped down.
Here in London, besides preparing work and studying, I am saving activism time for the 8 March International Women's Day, that this year is focusing on how Islamic sharia is attacking our women and children, and good men, and how we shall defeat it!
Pedram Kazemi-Esfarjani, bestyrelsesmedlem/member elect of the board of Fritiran, secular, liberal minority
Anti-government protests spread to Iran
McCain: Protests not confined to Middle East
Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, spoke with Bob Schieffer on the recent governmental overthrow in Egypt predicting it would spur similar movements throughout the world.
By Thomas Erdbrink
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, February 14, 2011; 10:09 AM
TEHRAN - Crowds battled tear gas and police batons during a rare anti-government protest in the Iranian capital Monday that drew inspiration from the recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia.
Dodging clouds of tear gas fired by police and pro-government militias, crowds of people marched down a central boulevard and shouted slogans such as "Death to the dictator," "We are all together" and "Down with Taliban, in Cairo and Tehran."
It was not immediately clear how many people were joining the protests. But thousands could be seen marching from Enghelab (Revolution) Square toward Azadi (Freedom) Square, overwhelming police efforts to stop them.
The gathering appeared to be the most significant anti-government protest here since security forces cracked down on a series of large demonstrations in 2009.
Police, who seemed to be mobilized in smaller numbers than usual, tried to disperse the protesters using batons and tear gas. A man was seen coming to the rescue of his wife after a helmeted officer hit her on the legs.
In the afternoon, as the crowds grew, the police were seen retreating in some areas. By evening, the protesters seemed ready to disperse. Internet service had been disrupted in Tehran, so it was difficult to ascertain the next steps for organizers, who had relied on Web sites and social media to launch Monday's rally.
During the day, office workers, girls with backpacks and whole families marched toward Azadi Square.
Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard militia drove past on their signature motorcycles and shot some bystanders with tear gas and paint guns. Some people in the crowd handed out masks that offered some protection from the stinging fumes. Others lit small fires that also provided relief.
Some demonstrators held green ribbons, the color of the opposition movement that sprang to life after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed election victory in 2009.
After the election, the movement staged widespread protests. Those protests were eventually stifled by the Revolutionary Guard, who are fiercely loyal to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Two people were hanged and scores of opposition supporters jailed. The last mass demonstration was in December 2009.
The 2009 protests were led in part by presidential challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi, whose defeat by Ahmadinejad at the polls was widely questioned.
Mousavi also called for Monday's demonstration, saying people should rally in support of the protesters in Egypt and Tunisia who had succeeded in toppling their governments.
Although the Iran's government has praised the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings, officials refused to grant a permit for a gathering in Iran.
A statement on a Mousavi-affiliated Web site in advance of the rally warned that any violence directed at the protesters by security forces would be an international "disgrace" and would undermine the government's public support for the Egyptian and Tunisian protesters.
"Do not allow the infiltrating agents of those seeking violence to derail the demonstrations with their aggressive behavior under any circumstances," the statement posted on said. "The noble people of Iran should participate in the peaceful demonstration, with calm and resolve."
On Saturday, the White House called on the Iranian government to allow its people to assemble. "The Iranian government has declared illegal for Iranians what it claimed was noble for Egyptians," national security adviser Thomas E. Donilon said in a statement.
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