tirsdag den 15. februar 2011

Islam has from its inception been a violent, reactionary far far right Imperialist power.

Dear Maryam et al,

Thank you again for the necessary debate of "allies or enemies". Here are my comments having found an occasion finally to see the video reports at http://www.onelawforall.org.uk/videos-seminar-on-enemies-not-allies/.

All the talk about "far right" and "imperialism" covers up the historic fact that Islam has from its inception been a violent, reactionary far far right Imperialist power. Islam was not provoked, nor victimized to attack Persia, Egypt, Byzantic Roman Empire, India and Europe, but did it because it is an Imperialist, military-political, totalitarian and very aggressive doctrine. I thank one of the speakers, once, mentioning that Islamists are far right, but no one other wanted to admit it, and no one mentioned that Islamic states are Imperialists attacking our nations, for what Salman Rushdie told American audiences at Bill Maher debate show: Islamists are not worried about Palestinians or alike, they are after World dominance, he said. I call it Imperialism. So, let us face it, that the so-called "pro-Islam left" are in fact far right, reactionary pro-Islamic Imperialist collaborators. Thank you and let us then refocus our efforts to combat Islamist Imperialists, here through civic, peaceful but decisive legal means, while showing civil courage on the level of our soldiers' military courage at the frontlines against Islamic Imperialist armies.

The gentleman previously member of Hiz bu Tahrir, now claiming to oppose Islamism as an attacking militant force, expressed no objections to the Ground Zero Mosque, on the contrary only criticized its opponents, indirectly criticizing a coalition that includes families of the victims of the Islamic attack. Please remember that the Ground Zero Mosque is in fact a Ground Zero Mosque in that the building the Islamic Imperialist financiers and organizers are claiming was a functioning coat factory, American workers labouring there, untill Islamic Imperialists attacked WTC and debris falling destroyed the building to condemnation status. It is yet another Islamic Imperialist attempt at conquest in our territories and I am all for those Americans, who try to launch public education and legal action to stop it.

Sincerely, Pedram

mandag den 14. februar 2011

Fritiran Secular Liberal Minority Report:

Fritiran Secular Liberal Minority Report:
Dear secular minority of Iran and allies push aside the Islamists - geen or black - they still try to stay in the lead and divert anger and stay in power. Dear secular majority of Europe, North America and Australasia, stop Islamic state of Iran from infiltrating our liberal democracies, undermining its strategic existence by setting up their mosques and sharia schools. This not only undermines countries like Denmark's liberal democracy and legal, child protection and laws against oppressive, violent marriages of minors, it will undermine each democratic country's national security and would demoralise the secular, liberal minority and peaceful, but persecuted non-Islamic religious minorities in Iran.
The best support we Danes, new or old, and our allies, exile-Iranian, refugees or native, can give to Iranian secular, liberal uprising and hopefully peaceful evolution would be to shut down all Islamic Republic of Iran installations, facilities and intelligence apparatus within Danish and European territories by the force of our liberal, secular Constitution - let's use all our liberal "muscles", David Cameron's words put to good use, educatiing ourselves, our fellow Danish people, our politicians, and start suing the state, if necessary to get court orders to stop Islamic states' all out attack on our society.
Denmark should learn from Great Britain's mistakes, and before 2000 Islamic schools and 1400 mosques are set up in Denmark, in most cases to beat or terrorise our children to submission, we have to follow British example at present turn of events, expose and distance ourselves from Islamic mono-culturalism, Islamic sharia segregation and sharia violence.
I am happy that Iranian people learn from other people, those who have suffered 1400 years of Islamic occupation of their territories like Egypt and Tunesia, and cry for freedom. However, I am also very disappointed that Islamists like Mousavi and Mullahs like Karoubi, reprsenting nothing else than ruling Iranian Islamic mafia's competing "families", still are named here in this Washington Post update. Instead I hoped secular groups, striking workers and anti-Islamic officers of armed forces would take the initiative from Islamists. Only by defying Islam and recapturing the Persian land and spirit from Islam will protesters have a chance to mobilise hard working people of Iran. Those, who work and sweat, or study and produce knowledge to earn a living and defy starvation, will probably not go to the streets or strike and get beaten to bring another mullah and another Islamist instead of the ones in charge. Would they?
Inspire them and organize a way out of Islam and into a form of liberal, secular democracy, with pluralism of opinion, freedom of expression, sexual freedom, and least but not the least business freedom and free competition, and they would come and fight for it. And the democratic world would see a point, then, in assisting them. I would not recommend sending any money or man power from Denmark to replace one Islamist with the other. But I would go myself and fight as a Dane with Iranian past, should Iranian people leave Islam for good and enter 21. Century civilization, reviving Persia with a truely modern, liberal society.
I am not presently in Copenhagen, and urge each secular, liberal member of Fritiran and Islam-critic friend make their own choice whether to join demonstrations called in for today. Maybe Danes and secular exile-Iranians could shout secular, liberal slogans and talk to people there to push aside any Islamic noise and "allah u akbars" or death-slogans of the Islamophiles like Egyptian seculars did very well at Tahrir Square Friday evening last week, when Mubarak stepped down.
Here in London, besides preparing work and studying, I am saving activism time for the 8 March International Women's Day, that this year is focusing on how Islamic sharia is attacking our women and children, and good men, and how we shall defeat it!
Pedram Kazemi-Esfarjani, bestyrelsesmedlem/member elect of the board of Fritiran, secular, liberal minority

Anti-government protests spread to Iran


McCain: Protests not confined to Middle East
Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, spoke with Bob Schieffer on the recent governmental overthrow in Egypt predicting it would spur similar movements throughout the world.

By Thomas Erdbrink
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, February 14, 2011; 10:09 AM
TEHRAN - Crowds battled tear gas and police batons during a rare anti-government protest in the Iranian capital Monday that drew inspiration from the recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia.
Dodging clouds of tear gas fired by police and pro-government militias, crowds of people marched down a central boulevard and shouted slogans such as "Death to the dictator," "We are all together" and "Down with Taliban, in Cairo and Tehran."
It was not immediately clear how many people were joining the protests. But thousands could be seen marching from Enghelab (Revolution) Square toward Azadi (Freedom) Square, overwhelming police efforts to stop them.
The gathering appeared to be the most significant anti-government protest here since security forces cracked down on a series of large demonstrations in 2009.
Police, who seemed to be mobilized in smaller numbers than usual, tried to disperse the protesters using batons and tear gas. A man was seen coming to the rescue of his wife after a helmeted officer hit her on the legs.
In the afternoon, as the crowds grew, the police were seen retreating in some areas. By evening, the protesters seemed ready to disperse. Internet service had been disrupted in Tehran, so it was difficult to ascertain the next steps for organizers, who had relied on Web sites and social media to launch Monday's rally.
During the day, office workers, girls with backpacks and whole families marched toward Azadi Square.
Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard militia drove past on their signature motorcycles and shot some bystanders with tear gas and paint guns. Some people in the crowd handed out masks that offered some protection from the stinging fumes. Others lit small fires that also provided relief.
Some demonstrators held green ribbons, the color of the opposition movement that sprang to life after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed election victory in 2009.
After the election, the movement staged widespread protests. Those protests were eventually stifled by the Revolutionary Guard, who are fiercely loyal to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Two people were hanged and scores of opposition supporters jailed. The last mass demonstration was in December 2009.
The 2009 protests were led in part by presidential challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi, whose defeat by Ahmadinejad at the polls was widely questioned.
Mousavi also called for Monday's demonstration, saying people should rally in support of the protesters in Egypt and Tunisia who had succeeded in toppling their governments.

Although the Iran's government has praised the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings, officials refused to grant a permit for a gathering in Iran.
A statement on a Mousavi-affiliated Web site in advance of the rally warned that any violence directed at the protesters by security forces would be an international "disgrace" and would undermine the government's public support for the Egyptian and Tunisian protesters.
"Do not allow the infiltrating agents of those seeking violence to derail the demonstrations with their aggressive behavior under any circumstances," the statement posted on Kalameh.com said. "The noble people of Iran should participate in the peaceful demonstration, with calm and resolve."
On Saturday, the White House called on the Iranian government to allow its people to assemble. "The Iranian government has declared illegal for Iranians what it claimed was noble for Egyptians," national security adviser Thomas E. Donilon said in a statement.

lørdag den 12. februar 2011

Islamic madrassas and the majority of Islamic organizations should be banned as racist, discriminatory, child-abusing law-breakers. 2000 Islamic Schools more likely than not represent 2000 times betrayal of child protection, civilization, humanism and our countries. Denmark should suspend all Islamic projects, grand mosques and madrassas. Let us defeat Islamic Imperialists at home and abroad, the sooner, the better!

Secular Liberal Minority Report:

Islamic madrassas and the majority of Islamic organizations should be banned as racist, discriminatory, child-abusing law-breakers. 2000 Islamic Schools more likely than not represent 2000 times betrayal of child protection, civilization, humanism and our countries. Denmark should suspend all Islamic projects, grand mosques and madrassas. Let us defeat Islamic Imperialists at home and abroad, the sooner, the better!

Also, on a positive note, look at exile-Iranian-Swedish actor/director/writer Susan Taslimi's self-portrait at BBC Persian. http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/tv/2011/01/110128_taslimi_tamasha.shtml How can Iranians choose Islam and its expressions, and drive women and artists like her out? Is Islam really so dear to Iranians? If so, they deserve not having her in Iran, and good for Sweden to have her. If the answer was no, I had expected Iranians to wake up tomorrow, tell their boss and their neighbours, that they are done with Islam and free, whatever the costs. No cost would be higher than what Iran and the rest of the world is paying for the submission and addiction to the repulsive doctrine and violence of Islam.

Arm the secular women of the Middle East and Iran and let them be the leaders of motivated national armies to beat the sheit out of Islamic dictators who are violating children, women and men alike! Try it in Afghanistan and see how fast Taliban would be deafeted, and let the Afghan Women's Liberation Army be a role model. The Islamic women will turn around, when their master men are subdued, and then those same women could enjoy new found freedom. Just take a look at just a few among hundreds of thousans to millions of Iranian women, who were leading before 1979 or still are leading outside Iran, at the attached portraits.

Also watch the 2003 film on enlightened Afghan youth trapped in Islamic vicious circle of events. A film inspired by the Spanish anti-fascist poet Frederico Garcia Lorca's poem At Five in the Afternoon, by Samira Makhmalbaf. Forget about Karzai and Taliban, empower and arm the secular youth, especially women leaders! I saw the film in a London cinema in 2003, so it is to be found with English subtitles.

Fritiran Secular Liberal Minority Report takes a recess, to focus on work and studies. Will be back in March, unless World events gives urgent reason to communicate to members and friends of Fritiran's secular, liberal minority.


Pedram Kazemi-Esfarjani
Fritiran Secular Liberal Minority member elect of the board.


Secret filming at Muslim schools in Birmingham and Yorkshire shows pupils being beaten and 'taught Hindus drink cow p***'
By Tazeen Ahmad

Last updated at 11:07 PM on 12th February 2011
It is an assembly hall of the sort found in any ordinary school. Boys aged 11 and upwards sit cross-legged on the floor in straight rows. They face the front of the room and listen carefully. But this is no ordinary assembly. Holding the children’s attention is a man in Islamic dress wearing a skullcap and stroking his long dark beard as he talks.

‘You’re not like the non-Muslims out there,’ the teacher says, gesturing towards the window. ‘All that evil you see in the streets, people not wearing the hijab properly, people smoking . . . you should hate it, you should hate walking down that street.’
He refers to the ‘non-Muslims’ as the ‘Kuffar’, an often derogatory term that means disbeliever or infidel.

Welcome to one of Britain’s most influential Islamic faith schools, one of at least 2,000 such schools in Britain, some full-time, others part-time. They represent a growing, parallel education system.

Grabbed: Secretly filmed footage from the Markazi Jamia mosque shows a teacher pulling a pupil towards him and striking him on the back
The school is the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham, an oversubscribed independent secondary school. Darul Ulooms are world-renowned Islamic institutions and their aim is to produce the next generation of Muslim leaders. In fact, these schools have been described as the ‘Etons of Islam’.
This school is required by its inspectors to teach tolerance and respect for other faiths. But the Channel 4 current affairs programme Dispatches filmed secretly inside it – and instead discovered that Muslim children are being taught religious apartheid and social segregation.

Warning: Reporter Tazeen Ahmad says Muslim schools need closer scrutiny
We recorded a number of speakers giving deeply disturbing talks about Jews, Christians and atheists.
We found children as young as 11 learning that Hindus have ‘no intellect’ and that they ‘drink cow p***’.
And we came across pupils being told that the ‘disbelievers’ are ‘the worst creatures’ and that Muslims who adopt supposedly non-Muslim ways, such as shaving, dancing, listening to music and – in the case of women – removing their headscarves, would be tortured with a forked iron rod in the afterlife.
In 2009 this school was praised by Government-approved inspection teams for its interfaith teachings. The report said that ‘pupils learn about the beliefs and practices of other faiths and are taught to show respect to other world religions’.
It seems that the inspectors were unaware of the teaching methods revealed by our undercover reporter, Osman. He was taken on as a volunteer at the Darul Uloom school in Birmingham in April 2009 and was allowed to sit in on some lessons – but not their Islamic classes.
So, in July last year, he went into one of the rooms where we’d heard they taught Islamic studies and left a secret camera to record the lessons.
Filming intermittently over a period of four months, the camera recorded children being taught a hardline, intolerant and highly anti-social version of Islam.
During the same period our reporter also attended the Markazi Jamia mosque in Keighley, West Yorkshire, after hearing of serious allegations that children were being hit at its madrassa.

Slapped: A child receives a sharp blow on the back of the head from the same teacher. The impact of the blow can be heard on the film
Madrassas in the UK are part-time after-school or weekend classes, often held in mosques, where children are taught to read the Koran. In Keighley it is not what they are being taught that is the problem, but how.
Again, Osman went into the mosque and left the camera in the room where classes took place.

Nicolas Sarkozy joins the David Cameron and Angela Merkel view that multiculturalism has failed
The film shows children as young as six sitting on the floor of a large room in the mosque, one of the biggest in the country. The boys are hunched over wooden benches, rocking backwards and forwards as they rote-learn the Koran in Arabic. A man with a long white beard dressed in a traditional shalwar kameez – tunic and trousers – sits at the head of the class.
'He slaps one boy, strikes another and kicks a third'
Periodically he gets up and walks behind the boys. As he passes, the children appear to cower and watch him nervously. It soon becomes clear why.
He unexpectedly raises his hand and slaps a young boy hard on the head. Moments later he strikes another. And then he kicks a third child.
In just two days of filming in December 2010, the camera recorded the teacher hitting children as young as six or seven at least ten times, in less than three hours of lessons.
From what we could see, every ¬single blow was pretty much unprovoked. We soon realised that the beatings were routine. The behaviour of the boys, the way they flinched and backed away when he approached, indicated that they were long-accustomed to being hit and kicked as they studied.
In another incident an older boy, left in charge of a class while a teacher is out at prayer, picks up a bench and threatens to hit a younger boy with it.

Threatened: An older pupil holds down a boy while another pupil - put in charge during the teacher's absence - aims a bench at him
During the making of this Dispatches film I have often counted my blessings. I received my Islamic education at home. My mum would read the Koran with me and most of my knowledge of Islam came from within the family. Others have not been so lucky.
Osman was subjected to beatings at four separate madrassas in the East Midlands as a child. He says that for the nine years he spent going to after-school Koran classes, he was hit regularly, at least a couple of timesa week.
‘It destroyed my confidence,’ he says, ‘and the worst bit was never knowing when it was going to happen. I had a horrible teacher who would use his fists, a stick, a shoe, anything he could find. He’d just get angry and lash out.’
Osman’s young cousins go to the same madrassas he attended and told him the beatings were still continuing. This persuaded Osman to try to reveal the truth behind the private world of faith schools. Over a period of two years he bravely placed cameras in both schools and collected highly sensitive material for us. His experience of madrassas is not uncommon. But persuading people to go on camera about this has been difficult. One family who were willing to talk were too frightened to do so openly.
'The law must change to protect these children.'

‘Salma’ and ‘Ayesha’ are a mother and daughter whose identities we are protecting. Ayesha is now sitting her A-levels but when she was seven she was beaten at her Koran classes. She says: ‘The teacher would sit there, tell me what to read, pronounce it to me – then if I said it wrong he would hit me on the hands with a ruler.’
Her younger brother, only five at the time, would be hit on his feet with a stick. They dreaded going to those classes but did not tell their mother. Salma eventually withdrew her children from attending madrassas for a completely different reason: she learned that they were being taught an intolerant version of Islam. ‘They were using terms like “Kaffir” just because somebody isn’t of the same religion,’ she says, ‘and I’m teaching my children to integrate and not be racist so I pulled my children out.’
Academic and theologian Dr Taj Hargey invited me to visit his part-time Islamic school in Oxford where children are taught in mixed-gender classes.
Here I witnessed a modern and refreshing method of teaching. Pupils were told to respect other faiths, ask questions about their religion and recite from the Koran in English as well as Arabic.
Dr Hargey told me he set up this school because of claims that Muslim parents had made to him about beatings in other madrassas. ‘It’s an outdated, archaic concept,’ he says, ‘and if we inflict this violence we will sow the seeds of violence in them.’

Punished: One of the madrassa students is grabbed by the wrist, pulled towards the teacher in charge of the class and struck on the back
Sir Roger Singleton, former Government chief adviser on the safety of children, and Ann Cryer, former MP for Keighley, want the law to change to ban physical punishment in supplementary classes, as it does in full-time schools. ‘It just isn’t acceptable,’ says Cryer. ‘We wouldn’t allow this to happen to white kids going to Sunday schools.’
We approached the Darul Uloom Islamic High School in Birmingham with the findings of our film. It claimed that the senior student who gave the speech about Hindus was later reported by other students, and has been expelled, and that no teachers were present ‘during the incident’.
The school said that a speaker who made comments about Jews was ‘visiting’ and his views did not represent school policy. It denied that its religious instruction was hardline or extremist and said it did not tolerate hatred towards any faith group.
In a statement, the school said: ‘Our ethos is for students to be full and active participants of British society.’ It also said that it would study our evidence and take ‘disciplinary measures’ if required.
Regarding the Keighley madrassa, we were told that the Jamia Mosque committee was firm in its resolve to take whatever action was necessary to protect children being taught at the mosque and that it would give its full co-operation to any enquiries resulting from our film.
If the law on physical punishment does change, that would be one way to protect the very young that attend these classes. But these part-time and full-time Muslim schools also need closer scrutiny – the regulatory system needs to be tightened up.
However, we have a Government that, on the one hand, gives grand speeches about tackling the causes of extremism, as David Cameron did last week, while, on the other, encouraging local communities to set up their own schools – including faith schools. It’s time to stop these mixed messages.
And Muslims can no longer sweep this under the carpet – they need to face up to what is happening behind closed doors. Many warn that if we don’t all tackle this toxic mix of hatred and violence head on, we will reap the whirlwind in years to come.
* Dispatches: Lessons In Hatred And Violence is on Channel 4 tomorrow at 8pm.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356361/Hidden-camera-shows-beatings-religious-segregation-inside-Muslim-faith-schools.html#ixzz1DnG2bHuZ