torsdag den 20. juni 2013

7 suspension​s by twitter within one minute! You are apparently hacked by #Islamic #Imperiali​st #Iran dear twitter

Interesting development - first time I have been targeted so obviously by serial multiple censorship messages by twitter at one single time point? Dear Twitter Support, for some reason you are apparently giving in to Iranian propagandists barrage of fake or misplaced disabling attempts to censor us political refugees from Iran, in particular secular liberals and atheists, in particular performers/actors, witnesses and survivors from Iran's Islamic Holocaust already documented and condemned at Iran Tribunal, London and Hague, if you don't believe us survivors' account. Here is one of those twitter apparently listens to and applies the UN and OIC Istanbul Process and Durban I+II Islamic censorship to twitter debate. You seriously need to clear up these, probably spammer-censorship bots @twitter. Regards, Pedd

søndag den 16. juni 2013

Twitter censorship according to Islamic Imperialism Durban I+II and Istanbul Process?

Now I understand why twitter was littered with Islamophiliac cheers for Islamic Imperialist state of Iran sending secular Iranians and secular and non-believers and Christians and even Muslims to their horrifying death sending 4000 troops to attack Syria, Lebanon and Israel as we speak... twitter censors and suspends all dissent against those cheering for IRI

A few Iranians in exile have secular sense and courage to expose the Islamic majority of Iran and their bloody Imperialism & junta

Demonstration foran den Iranske ambasade i København Demonstration mod valgcirkusset i Iran. Det iranske islamiske regime, som i mere end 33 år har slået hårdt ned på befolkningen i Iran, vil endnu engang iscenesætte et valgcirkus. Et valg, hvor kun regimets nærmeste folk, og ingen andre, får lov til at stille op. Denne gang er endda selv en række af regimets egne prominente folk blevet nægtet at stille op til det såkaldte præsidentvalg. Under disse forhold er der overhovedet ikke tale om et reelt valg i Iran. Den iranske befolkning har til enhver lejlighed givet udtryk for sin foragt over for det islamiske regime, som ved anvendelse af brutale metoder som henrettelser, tortur og forfølgelse af oppositionen og aktivister, har beholdt magten. Et regime som har nægtet folk deres basale rettigheder som bl.a. retten til at organisere sig, ytringsfrihed, lighed mellem kvinder og mænd, afskaffelse af de undertrykkende religiøse og moralske restriktioner og adskillelse af religion og staten.

Erdogan's Islamic Holocaust against Secular Turkey has just begun, already using Nazi style gas chambers - now documented how Jewish and other victims of Nazi gas chambers experienced penetrating chemicals suffocating them in a confined space. Erdogan and other Islamic Imperialists have to be stopped now or we regret another Holocaust being pertpetrated in a World where since 1948 10 million Muslims have been killed by Muslims and many more non-believers and non-Muslims have been and will be subject to Islamic Imperialism genocide should World not react now

We are like #Jewish witnesses that escaped #Holocaust and were then interned and silenced or re-deported - we keep talking - this report is the closest we get to document what Jewish and other victims of Nazi gas chambers experience minutes before they died. Gassed by Islamic chemicals in a confined space: